“A mother deserves love and respect, I don't think it's just about salary but about love and respect you give to someone and mom has always been the biggest inspiration in kids life and all mothers sacrifice so much for their kids. So I think the profession of highest respect and salary should be that of a mother." The answer which made World look towards India Once again is a Fact about the Present Dynamic Indian women.
If you are in dilemma of bouncing back to the career,then this statement should definitely inspire you and confide you to not only to restart career but provide aspiration for Work-Life Balance. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist who came up with “A Theory of Human Motivation”.According to which,the needs that drive us towards psychological development: physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualisation needs. And cognitive, aesthetic and transcendental needs. In order for us to want to satisfy a particular need, the previous one has to be met.
As an Career restarter just think in which category we do fall...and Strive for acheiving the next need. Ask yourselves: • Where do you seeyourself on the pyramid? • Which needs arebeing met currently? • Do you feel the needto go up a level? As an child, we are made to fall under a negative impact of choosing a career that is not important orwrong or frowned upon. So when we learn that what we feel and dream of is not approved,we stop feeling and start thinking about what we could do to make our parents dream happen. Now that rediscovering you passion,listen to your heart and intuition again. Do a creative writing exercise to reconnect your passion and dreams,Connect with your free,creative inner child. Go for a walk, meditate,play with your kids, dance,Exercise. When you feel you are still connected self, write if negative things come up,write them down too. Now start acting according to your outcomes,reinvent into something which aligns with passion and priorities. And that is the basic of Freelancing. You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul....Ratatouille The advantages of such tasks in restart career women, • balancing life because of such work, • Opportunities that can be explored in same segment, • resources that might be really helpful . Freelancing can be done in all the fields: Website development,web design, mobile app development, SEO, virtual assistants, product manufacturing and graphic design. Freelance is a term associated to self-employment and independent working. A freelancer offers services without the need to work under a company or a specific employer. They can work for multiple clients at a time ,they also set their own service price and decides their target market. Freelancer can set their own work hours,they can also work full-time or part-time depending on their preferences and the job that they would decide to take. I started freelancing because i was looking for a creative outlet, something that would stretch me,provide me with a place to share what was on my mind, and give me a project to keep me busy.
I have met so many kind, creative, encouraging, supportive people, who share some of my same passions of learning new technologies,keeping them abreast,seeking world of opportunities.. I have gotten to collaborate with..that admired for years something i never dreamed i would have the opportunity to do. And i have gotten to put my degree,technical certifications to work in a way that i never expected,creating online courses to further share my passions.
It sounds dramatic but freelancing, mentoring ... project that i began with trembling and fear..hasbeen absolutely life changing for me. STARTING AS AN FREELANCER DOESNOT HAVE TO BE OVERWHELMING AND PROMISING AS THAT OF AN FULLTIME JOB. My goal of ...is not to throw out a theory but to single out the best,most effective strategies that will help starting and building a better career,an second call ,creating a stronger framework for their own career/life and ultimately an content in myself of satisfying an social responsibility.