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What Mother Nature Taught HumanKind

LUCK IN DISGUISE : Did you anytime think that #Luck is there Even in #Disguise? Or Have you ever expressed Heart-Felt Thanks to #The...

Out with the old, in with the new

A Freelancer is by definition ‘a person who is doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the...

Writing-Stress Buster

Writing is an Art, Writing is a Stress-Buster, Writing is a positive Energy Booster for Physical and Mental Health. Writing not only...

AMLA-An Magic

The name itself is enough to send a tingling sensation down your jaw and as tasty as the Indian gooseberry is, it is also very beneficial...

Creative Brief

I have created a sample of my works using Zoho Creator, Zoho Writer. Creative Brief is of Inspiration Derivative(Zoho-Writer Sample) and...


This Year (2020),the first year of next decade (2020-2030)started with Big-Bang. The new year started with harmful wishes,Delighted...

Passion of Blogging

Life is like a mirror. We get the best results when we smile. And this is reflected in the way you carry your life. And I feel blogging...

Creative Brief

I have created a sample of my works using ZohoCreator, Zoho Writer. Creative Brief is of Inspiration Derivative(Zoho-Writer Sample) and...

Technical Review

Lately i have started my reviews on Technical/Software products and services.And here one more review(The previous one was a hitch as it...

An Relaxing Tea

Any type of tea would definitely #relax you.Today would say about an amazing ayurveda tea that would definitely helps you in many ways....

ZOHO products Overview

ZOHO Corporation developed a suite of applications that are distributed as Software as a Service(SaaS). This suite has all applications...

JAVA Certification Path 2(Cont..)

Now that you know where to start its time to get ready for an exam.1)Review Exam Topics. This gives a detailed list on what you would...

Java Certification Path

As an tech-Savvy, i would write something about my own Acheivements.And that is an SCJP,SCWCD Certified developer. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE AND...

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