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Writing-Stress Buster

Writing is an Art, Writing is a Stress-Buster, Writing is a positive Energy Booster for Physical and Mental Health. Writing not only...

AMLA-An Magic

The name itself is enough to send a tingling sensation down your jaw and as tasty as the Indian gooseberry is, it is also very beneficial...

Creative Brief

I have created a sample of my works using Zoho Creator, Zoho Writer. Creative Brief is of Inspiration Derivative(Zoho-Writer Sample) and...


This Year (2020),the first year of next decade (2020-2030)started with Big-Bang. The new year started with harmful wishes,Delighted...

Passion of Blogging

Life is like a mirror. We get the best results when we smile. And this is reflected in the way you carry your life. And I feel blogging...

Creative Brief

I have created a sample of my works using ZohoCreator, Zoho Writer. Creative Brief is of Inspiration Derivative(Zoho-Writer Sample) and...

Technical Review

Lately i have started my reviews on Technical/Software products and services.And here one more review(The previous one was a hitch as it...

An Relaxing Tea

Any type of tea would definitely #relax you.Today would say about an amazing ayurveda tea that would definitely helps you in many ways....

ZOHO products Overview

ZOHO Corporation developed a suite of applications that are distributed as Software as a Service(SaaS). This suite has all applications...

JAVA Certification Path 2(Cont..)

Now that you know where to start its time to get ready for an exam.1)Review Exam Topics. This gives a detailed list on what you would...

Java Certification Path

As an tech-Savvy, i would write something about my own Acheivements.And that is an SCJP,SCWCD Certified developer. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE AND...

Women in Different Walks of Life

“A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” Roosevelt once quoted. International Women’s...

Programming Languages

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES “Necessity is the mother of invention” had been the essence of human life evolution and continuous struggle of...

Amarnath /arakeerai kwaish

Hi Today I am going to tell about a simple healthy kwaish/kashayam. Amaranthus dubious, 🌿the red spinach, Chinese spinach. In India, it...

Simple kid-friendly breakfast

Preparing a healthy breakfast for kids is challenging but making them eat is even more challenging. Over continuous brainstorming.I had...

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