“A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.”
Roosevelt once quoted.
International Women’s day is a day of global events to mark the economic ,political and social achievements of women past,present and future. Its also a chance to empower and inspire women and to reflect on the progress that has been made. An opportunity to shine a light on all women that have made a contribution to our society,and who are providing strong role models for future generations.
Its apt to start this article throwing limelight on a Book………… “The dot that went for a walk’.
Kamala Thiagarajan ,a freelance journalist, wrote about 3 Indian women and their publication. This book ,published by caterpillar wings,gives short biographies of 51 Indian women,each illustrated by female artist, is an list of Inspirational Indian women from all disciplines who are/have to be role models to every child. She mentions how the authors felt bad when they found there was not enough role models for the present kids(both boys and girls) except for Models,Hollywood personalities and sports personalities. I doubt ,even we elders know about these great female personalities who have setup a path/role in their own field.
As an old quote say” Reap wherever you sow”….Explore the opportunity/field/domain you are placed by chance/choice and try to carve your own name – that is what new mantra is.
Women…might be in a career, or women waiting to restart her career, or freelancer or entrepreneur is a unique contributor to the society.
A microbiologist by education, but after career breaks –an Homepreneur.
A software developer by profession but now a freelance online mentor
A Project Manager by profession, now efficiently running a foundation to improve standard of English Teaching in Government School.
A graduate from a rural background, who strived hard to spread her family-owned to a great business using technology trends.
are some of the real-time examples I am having around me.
The real-time scenario of my own community which has 240 women…the distribution would be….Type of professionNumberHomemaker80Back to work10Home-based entrepreneur14Freelancers8Parttime30Career oriented100
Women has clinched her own niche in this technology-savvy new world. I don’t think no one denied this fact.
In Corporate World,Now we do have record numbers of women in work and the gender pay gap is closing,But it had to be done more. Part of that is removing barriers-making sure that we have modern,flexible workplaces so women font have to chose between work and family life,as well as affordable and reliable childcare,And part of it is about raising the aspirations and ambitions of women and girls,so they can maximize their potential.
The profession of highest respect and salary should be that of a mother And all mother’s sacrifice cannot be equated to anything in the world…An answer which made world look towards India during an Beauty Pea gent tells about present Dynamic women .
Even the Taboo subject like Period is made to be taken and discussed in a free environment…..Period. End of sentence,which had won an Oscar in Documentary Short category..is a proof for this. In this film, an attempt is made to make periods a taboo-free subject……. .As the title itself suggests that a period must only end a sentence and not one’s education,liberty and independence.
“there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.” There are women who work relentlessly to empower others to build better world.whether an women who encourages other women financially by selling her products
A women who organises a home-stay, to preserve her village’s traditional way of life.
Trafficking survivors to start a new chapter
women who started a foundation, to make people celebrate their birthday in a purposeful way
a women who started an foundation to tackle the issue of child sexual abuse by teaching children how to protect themselves,
are some of the live examples how women empowered not only powers her but also society around her.
As one of the Gandhi’s common saying(Actually by Cripps)” Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you educate a family. “
***This was the article written for an Women-career-program related organization.