“Necessity is the mother of invention” had been the essence of human life evolution and continuous struggle of human race to be more comfort-prone.
With the increase of Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Less manual intervention world is becoming smarter. And this is the resultant of continuous tremendous efforts with the outcome of many Technologies advent and their Intervention in day-day activities.As technology develops so is the familiarity levels with the programming languages.
The programming languages list that are in demand had been changing depending on their usage, number of performers/developers in that field and the continuous changes in that field.
However the top programming lists varies on certain features:
a) Practical usage of languages in developing more user-friendly features/gadgets/applications.
b) The range and extent of their comforts levels in learning(say a new graduate or an experienced)
Even though some languages have been on top of the programming languages list some were not able to maintain their position.But a suggestion from an experienced developer/programmer or even a novice is be perfect in whatever you are and try to adapt to the new trends and technologies which would be stepping stones for your success as an individual.
I would like to bring to notice some of the programming languages along with their features.
Java continues to rock the top in the charts of “The Programming Languages”.Recently Java has completed its 22years since its advent in 1995 by James Gosling recent being Java11 on September 25,2018.
The long run is is made possible by its features of Platform-Independence, Scalability, Security.Java derives its features of object-oriented, variables, Data types of C/C++ and in fact the syntax too is influenced by C++.
Java’s popularity is mainly due to its Platform-Independence feature which makes it to run on different types of computer, as long as it has JVM installed whether its Macintosh or Windows or Unix or Linux Or even Mainframe/mobile phones.Java code which has been written some 15 years back can be made to run even on the latest JVM.
One more features is its fundamentally an object-oriented, Which makes Java to be robust as Java objects contains no references to external data.
With speed, native code translating and memory management features being a tops-on with the newly ad vented features.
The Class Library, Java API, which is a part of Java Language, is the main learning of the Language.Even though Java consists of 50 Keywords, Java API has thousands of classes with tens of thousands of methods used in Programs.
Java…The most worth learning language…is the most preferable language by the developers to be learnt. The advantage of building server-based application,Web-applications,building android apps,Scientific applications,Connecting to an Database,Internet of Things,Cloud development are few to-do list of things you could do after learning this beautiful language.
Open Jdk, which is a free, open source implementation, makes it a platform independent across OS Environments.
Its the most commonly used in daily life,,say popular websites like Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Amazon, eBay.
The Other Well-known/booming technologies…Android,Kotlin is dependent on Java.
Python is interpreted high-level programming language for general purpose programming. Released in 1991. Python had been designed giving importance to code readability and significantly using whitespaces. Dynamic type,automatic memory management,supporting multiple programming paradigm(PO,Functional,procedural),has a large comprehensive library of its own.
Python interpreters are available for many operating systems and it is an open source software. As of January 2018,its the fourth most popular language(behind Java, c,c++).An study found that such scripting languages are more productive than conventional languages. Python can serve as a scripting language for web-applications,embedded in many software products,used in many Artificial Intelligence projects,used extensively in Information security industry.
Large organizations that uses python include Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo.
Libre office includes python and intends to replace Java with python.
Go,Kotlin,Swift had derived some of its features from python.
With growing trend of Hadoop ecosystem which is dependent on Java, Scala and python, Python provides an efficient competition to Java(as world of analytics don’t have many Java programmers),
Swift is a general purpose,multi-paradigm.compiled programming developed by Apple Inc. for iOS,MacOS and to work with Cocoa frameworks. It uses the objective- C runtime library which allows C,C++ to run within one program. Swift provides core concepts like dynamic displatch,late binding,extensible programming,and addresses errors like null pointer dereferencing, supports protocol; extensibility,struts,classes.
Swift won first place for most Loved Programming language in 2015-2016.
Objective c which is superset of c had been used for creating OS and iOS applications. Swift had entered as” Objective C without C”.The features of Readability, Maintenance,Safer Platform, Less code and Less Legacy,Speed,supporting Dynamic Libraries,Interactive coding,Open Source makes its an efficient choice for developing Mobile Project.
Kotlin is statically typed programming language that runs on JVM and also can be compiled to JS Source. Kotlin is fully supported by Google for Android OS. One of the stated goals of kotlin is to compile as quickly as Java. Sharing code between JVM and JavaScript platforms was the main feature of the recent release of kotlin. Kotlin is designed to be an OO language,fully interoperable with JavaCode. It also supports procedural programming with use of functions. Null pointer safety,extension functions,infix notation,full Java compatibility,and Good IDE support are the features that speeds up development.
Kotlin library helps to build android UI applications. Kotlin has Interactive shell and can be used as an effective scripting language.
Kotlin was officially announced as Android development language by google. It is third language fully supported for android in addition to Java and C++.
C, the oldest, most popular programming language.
C is general purpose, imperative, computer programming language supporting structured programming developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973.It is designed to be compiled using compiler, providing low-level access to memory, providing efficient mapping to machine instructions and requires minimal runtime support. Portability and capability of using in any embedded systems is one more feature.
A portable assembly language that perfectly fits operating systems and small runtime makes it a Universal Language.
The definition given to C++ is general-purpose programming language. It has Imperative, object oriented and generic programming features. It was designed with a bias toward system programming and embedded,resource constrained and large systems with performance efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights. C++ is a compiled language,with implementations of it available on many platforms. Other versions of programming languages like Java,C#,D have been influenced by C++.
C with Classes, the predecessor of C ,C+++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979.C with Classes added features to C compiler,including classes,derived classes,strong typing,inlining and default arguments. It was renamed to C++ adding functions,virtual functions,operator-overloading,references,constants,type-safe,memory-allocation,improved
type-checking,and a stand alone compiler. The main components a direct mapping of hardware features and zero overhead abstractions based on those mappings.
C++ even though is considered as superset of C, buy strictly not true.
JavaScript is dynamic,weakly Typed,Prototype-based,High Level,Interpreted Programming Language. Its take the position of one of the core technologies of worldwide web. It enables the creation of interactive webpages. Initially JavaScript only implemented client-side in web browsers,but now embedded in various host software including server side in web servers and in runtime environments that make it to function on mobile,desktop applications.
Even though it carries the similarity in the name with Java Language, its distinct from Java by its dynamic functionality, human-readable code.
The supporting Technologies or Languages which are related to JavaScript are JSON(Data Interchange Format),j Query(Client -side HTML Scripting),Angular and Angular(Web Application Frameworks for developing SPA),React(JS Library),asm.js.
Standardization of web Assembly by W3C made programming Languages such as C,
C++,Java as well as JS to author client-side code for the world wide web.
However JavaScript has risen to biblical levels, now the pundits say its time to go down…and yes….partially correct too.
As preferred language for client-side development varies…..along with web assembly back ends….JavaScript is confusing to use as many web options are available.
Even though the choices are many preference of programming language varies from person to person depending on the requirements to be satisfies, the extent of availability of supported features/platforms, Individual capacity to learn and his/her interests and last but not the least the average salary earned by implementing the language in his/her career domain.
***This is the article i wrote for an Online Testing Website.
And about me in the article published:
About the Author:
This article is written by Jalaja, SCJP, SCWCD certified Online Trainer, Blogger.
She started as a Jr.Lecturer, Switched on to Developer role, Software Engineer and then to Web Technologies Consultant. Passion towards writing made her create her own blog. She is also actively involved in Volunteer activities like teaching in Government Schools, Maintenance of Volunteer Organization’s FaceBook Page and is also in Testing of their Mobile app.