I happened to try one of the product of an NGO happened to be owned by farmers and profits shared directly by farmers.
Tried Millet Dosa (https://m.facebook.com/Farmveda/posts_to_page/?ref=page_internal) ..with my own twist…Onion tomato Khara chutney.
Very easy to prepare and yummicious.My daughter loved it for anything.
Onions: 2 Big onions
Tomatoes : 3 Big
Red Chillies: 3
Tamarind: small lemon size
Garlic : 5-7
Seasoning ingredients:
Oil: 3 tablespoon( Gingely would be great)
Mustard: 1 teaspoon
Toordal: 1 teaspoon
Moongdal: 1/2 teaspoon
Process :
1 . Fry all the ingredients in 3 tablespoon of oil adding tamarind lastly.
2. Grind it.
3 Season it using the seasoning ingredients.
4 . You could store it for 2 days if you use more gingely oil while seasoning.