This is the addition to the previously mentioned healthy drink with some more new ingredients…. The process would be the same but healthier and has more nutritional values even to elders. One cup in the morning is a good substitute for breakfast too…..
Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops/ grains. Millet is tiny in size and round in shape and can be white, gray, yellow or red. Millets are rich in B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, also gluten-free Helps to lower type 2 diabetic and reduces the risk of heart disease Millets are a great source of starch, making it a high-energy food. It is also an excellent source of protein and fiber. Millets are mostly pest-free and low fertilizer used in growth.
Bajra/Sajjalu/kambu/pearl Millet
Nachuvu/Ragulu/kezhavaragu/finger Millet
Kangini/ thinai/foxtail Millet
Kodra/arikelu/varagu/kodo Millet
Kutki/samai/ little Millet
Jhangora/kuthiruvali/Barnyard Millet
Roasted gram
Brown rice
1. Roast all ingredients. Be careful as some are highly prone to burning if not taken out quickly.
2. Grind the mixture, after they cool down to room temperature.
3. Store in a dry place.
4. Have a salted/sweetened version.