Did you ever know that Roses can be used as an healthy drink!! If not ,then try this!!!😉.
Rose tea is an herbal, ayurvedic diuretic that helps you in many healthy ways.
For 1 person… 100ml
Roses…. 3/4 freshroses or 5-6 dried roses.
Jaggery…..2 teaspoons/ Sugar
Honey-1/2 teaspoon
Lime…1/4 of an small/according to the taste.
Cardamom, cloves…..2.
Preparation process:
Boil 150ml of water.
Clean the petals of roses, wipe it and add.
Let it boil down to half quantity.
Add jaggery/ sugar while boiling( would prefer jaggery rather than sugar).
Filter the contents and add honey, Like drops.
Have it while hot.
It gives you such an amazing refreshing feeling.
In Indian context….roses offered to God would be thrown away…instead of that …preserve and consume this way.However tea from fresh roses would be a different feeling.
Helps in glowing and healthy skin.
Helps in reducing menstrual cramps/pain.
Helps in reducing Acidity on continuous consumption.
Continuous usage would help in weight loss.
Detoxifies your body.
Helps as stress buster.
Cures sore throat.
Helps in building immune system.
Cure for constipation and diarrhea.
With such an intense benefits…hope you try this continuously for 40 days and let me know the results.