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An Healthy Kashayam/kwath

Kashayam is herbal formulation used for the treatment of all diseases including obesity, loss of appetite, headache with a dull ache,...

Breakfast with an Healthy twist

Among healthy breakfast preferred in the Indian context, Idli takes first place. With the same properties and preparation style, next...

AnEvening snack 😉

An rain-predictable,dull evening invoked an appetite of an hot and sweet snack.So thought of preparing Murruku and halwa. And yes both...


As it is said by eminent personalities……”Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~Elizabeth Andrew “You...

Healthy drink for kids

I have been trying of various healthy drinks.from market…not satisfied. I was given advice from my Mother in law of an home-made all...

An feedback on an Product.

I happened to try one of the product of an NGO happened to be owned by farmers and profits shared directly by farmers. Tried Millet Dosa ...

From Developer to Tester.

Thinking to convert your path from developer to tester….this is for you Before discussing about your thought process of changing career...

Freelancing for women after break

“A mother deserves love and respect, I don’t think it’s just about salary but about love and respect you give to someone and mom has...

Finally here I am

Here I am ,Finally, finding time for myself. An effort after years , to create my own platform. A platform where I could share, publish...

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